Tuesday, July 17, 2012

You'd Think Being a Mormon would Conflict with Being A Journalist...Or Not.

The expectations of journalists have been fairly enduring throughout the years. Journalists are meant to be fair, straightforward, and skeptical. They look at things from an angle of facts--not allegorical truths  or whatever else is not provable (at least according to The Elements of Journalism, that is ).

The expectations of Mormons have also been enduring throughout the years. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are meant to be fair, straightforward(yes),....and faithful. They are meant to look at things from an angle of hope--a belief in things not seen but real(by gospel definition). 

So, is it possible to be skeptical and have faith? Can someone be a journalist and a Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Jew....? Will that person be able to refrain from having the window panes of their writing fogged by their own conceptions if they believe in their heart that something is true?

Yes actually. 

As discussed in class, faith is NOT blind. I know a plethora of educated people that have faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. They know the history of Mormons. They have a testimony. Likewise, many people who have great careers and immense amounts of education...also believe in whatever religion that they happen to believe in.


Religion only helps you to be a better journalist. Because believing in the concepts of religion--love, God, the worth of a soul--only makes you want serve your fellow men with stronger desire .

And serving  your fellow men is ultimately the goal of a journalist. 

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