Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Up Against Hollywood.

Bright colors! Loud music! Intense effects! Well-known actors! Exploding things! Gorgeous people unlike regular human beings! AND EVERYTHING ENDS SO GREAT. WAHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!

Yeah, it's no wonder people don't care much about the news these days.

The news is somewhat dull. Boring even. And a bit like real life.

The news isn't filled with the sensationalism of Hollywood. People are homely. They don't all get to live happily and perfectly. The news is more real, yet it doesn't always feel real. 

I guess that's the challenge that faces news people in the world right now. How can you stand up against make-believe? How can reality possibly be as cool? 

News isn't created to entertain. It's created to tell, to inform, to give freedom. But people want things to be entertaining. They like a good story.

How do we deal with this as journalists? Do we write stories about Justin Bieber's GF and their dates last night so we can grab people's attentions?

No. No. No. No. No. NO.

Please don't. 

This is what I think journalists should do: BE PASSIONATE. 

Care about what you are writing, and it'll hit home. I personally believe that it's okay to be witty or funny. That's reality. Reality isn't boring! Sound like a normal human being instead of a robot. Some journalists do that, and people will listen. 

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