Sunday, July 17, 2011

Confessions of A Molly Mormon

My name is Amy Michelle Staker. I like taking photos and acting. I am a Mormon.

This is a picture of my family when we were in the Nauvoo Pageant. My best friend once asked me if this is how Mormons really dressed in Utah. I thought it was a pretty funny joke and teased her about it--untill  my other friend said it seemed like a pretty logical question.

Just so you know, We usually don't  dress in pioneer clothes.  

People get some crazy ideas about Mormons and their beliefs--but that's okay. Mormons don't sacrifice goats or believe in Polygamy, but we do have some pretty unique ideas about life and what real happiness means.

We believe that Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After are true. 

We don't drink coffee.

We don't watch R rated movies.

We don't swear.

We save ourselves until marriage.

We wake and go to early morning seminary every day of our high school career.

We believe that marriage lasts eternally. 

We know that we are divine children of a father who loves us,

We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

One of my favorite quotes is from a movie called The Little Princess. Sarah says, "I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. We're still princesses. All of us."

I think that's really an important truth of life, and I'm so grateful to know it. 


  1. Great job Amy! Keep up the good work. Yes mormons are very misunderstood, but I really liked your quote, about women being princesses, I grew up in a family full of women.. It was law. If you think about it, if God is king, women are daughters of God but more essentially, princesses! It's spiritually genetic.
