Thursday, June 21, 2012

As A Potential Future Journalist.

What is Journalism?

As a potential future journalist, it makes an immense amount of sense that this would be a question lurking somewhere in the back of my mind, or possibly in the front, or possibly consuming the entirety of my brain.

Or maybe not. 

Really though, journalism's something you can spend a plethora of time considering. In truth, people for ages have been relying on the written word to get them places--implemented to beat the unbeatable country in a war of ridiculous odds, declared to assure humanity of better times to come midst major economic downturns,  recorded to plates of gold with the promise that people thousands of years in the future would need its echoing truths.

You get the picture. 

Soooo...what is journalism? If you were to look at this with a narrow mind, you might just say that journalism is recorded news...and a profession. WELL DUH. However, if you were to look at this with a less narrow scope, you would come to realize that journalism encompasses a broad amount of ideas. Sometimes, journalism isn't very much like journalism. Yes, you wouldn't think that hearing about how multiple so-and-sos were seen walking with their mini chihuahuas down the street would be very newsworthy, but sadly it can seen that way. Also, you would think that hearing about how thousands of people died in some country because of such-and-such would be utterly newsworthy, but sadly some people are more aware of the chihuahuas than the needs of their fellow mankind.

Basically, to me, journalism is speech. Words. Declarations. News Stations. Blogs. Politics. Sports. World issues. Conversations. Scriptures. History. Diaries. Yes...and even FACEBOOK.

Journalism should capture truth for those in the present,should  preserve memories of those in the past, and should record events for those in the future. It doesn't always do this, but it should. Really....journalism is a lot of things. And.....


Journalists are people who record the news. I'm a journalist. YOU are a journalist. Most people that spread the word are journalists in some way or another. It's just that some journalists write because they want to to be heard and they care and some journalists write because they get paid....a measly amount.

 And some journalists write because they care and they get paid a measly amount.

P.S. Really, I think the news about the Daily Universe is sad, but I wasn't really reading it...And sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do.

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